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Pangot, Nainital, Uttarakhand

Pangot, Nainital, Uttarakhand

Pangot, a village about 15 kms away from Nainital and over 6500 feet from the ground, has a picturesque view of its mountains and lakes. Celebrating the beauty of birds worldwide, the Pangot and Kilbury Bird Sanctuary is enclosed in a large forest and is one of the best places to visit for bird watchers.
For someone searching for a pleasant weekend getaway, Pangot is a great option because of its gratifying weather in summer and beautiful snowfall during the winters, giving you the best of both seasons.
Reaching there becomes beautiful due to the view of the peaks of hills and mountains and its welcoming caves and temples. From a religious spot to a wonders hub, anyone and everyone is left coequally spellbound by the beauty of this place. It’s never eyeful and is always equally charming to the person visiting it.

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Monuments Nature
Adventurous Relaxing
Solo With Someone

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