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Traveller of the Year Award

Each year, Ecoplore endows the ‘Traveller of the year’ Award to the best eco traveler. The award is given to those who follow eco-friendly measures during the trip and adopt sustainable measures in their daily life.

Here are some easy ways by which you can make a difference to the planet!

  • Avoid buying plastic water bottles. Instead, carry your own water in steel/glass bottles.
  • Use Jute/cloth bags. Say no to plastic bags.
  • Turn off electricity when not in use.
  • Save water.
  • Plant more trees.
  • Choose steel plates over plastic disposables.
  • Compost food and organic waste.
  • Go for car-pooling, public transport, electric vehicles and bicycles.

By adopting these and many more measures, you could be the next ‘Traveler of the Year’.

The 2020 Ecoplore ‘Traveler of the Year’ Award was given to Shabana Siddiqui who visited two different eco-hotels and followed all the measures strongly. Shabana is also a sustainability enthusiast and her entire apartment can be seen filled with pots and plants. Here is what Shabana had to say after receiving the award.

“Recently I received the ‘Traveller of the year’ Title from #Ecoplore. I would like to thank Prerna Prasad and Khushboo for introducing me to wonderful venues close to nature, close to my heart, and that too in such pocket-friendly budgets. I always wanted to visit places close to nature. And, now I am able to do it. All because of Ecoplore. Thank you once again for this lovely award to me. No award would have been better than this. Even my little yellow Soni likes it.
Love you
Keep growing”

Shabana Siddiqui

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