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A women-led initiative on Sustainable Travel

Ecoplore is a booking platform for curated eco-hotels. We promote only those hotels that are made of mud, wood, bamboo, stone, or any local architecture, and maintain at least 33% greenery on its campus. Our eco-hotels also follow other sustainable measures like rainwater harvesting, solar panels, composting, no plastic zone, organic farming, and so on. Ecoplore is a women-founded and women-managed company. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has recognized Ecoplore for fulfilling SDG 12.


Why choose Ecoplore

  • By promoting eco-hotels, Ecoplore offers a lifetime experience of living in a mud, wood, or stone house.
  • Our eco-hotels are located near waterfalls, beside rivers, inside forests or on mountains, far from the noise, crowd, and pollution of the cities.
  • Most of our stays grow their own vegetables, fruits, and herbs. You will be served homemade organic meals.
  • We emphasize Stay Local, Eat Local, Play Local, Buy Local thereby enabling local communities.
  • Ecoplore is the only aggregator platform that personally visits and verifies eco-hotels. A female traveler from our team personally visits and verifies the eco-hotels. This is done to ensure safety, comfort, hygiene and also encourages ‘solo woman travel’.
  • Most importantly, if you choose a concrete hotel, you are contributing to the construction of more such concrete hotels. But, if you choose an eco-hotel, you will be encouraging more people to work for conservation.

The journey so far

  • April 2016: First eco-hotel listed on Ecoplore’s website.
  • 2018-20: Media coverage by Your Story, She the People, Times of India, and others.
  • 2019-20: More than 400 happy guests served.
  • January 2019: Felicitated with Outlook Responsible Tourism Award.
  • February 2019: Received grant from WEE Foundation, IIT Delhi & Govt of India.
  • December 2019: Recognised by UNEP for fulfilling SDG 12.
  • September 2022: Van Bhoj became a flagship eco-home of Ecoplore.
  • December 2022: Ecoplore became Mentor/Investor at Uttarakhand Entrepreneurship Summit.
  • January 2023: Prerna became TEDx Speaker on Sustainable Tourism.
  • March 2023: More than 250 eco-hotels personally visited & verified.

Meet the Team

The dream of Ecoplore turned to reality because of its team members.

Prerna Prasad

Founder & CEO

After working for more than 8 years in prominent English news channels like CNN-IBN & India Today, Prerna chose the path of entrepreneurship. Combining her love for travel and vision to create an environmental impact, she founded Ecoplore. Prerna is also the Curator of Van Bhoj: A Mud House based in Delhi NCR. Van Bhoj was built by Architect Revathi and Vasanth Kamath and is a showcase of an ideal sustainable living. Prerna aims to invest all her income generated from Ecoplore in developing a forest and returning it back to nature.

Khushbu Agrawal

Co-Founder & COO

Khushbu is a law graduate but her passion for sustainability aligned her to Ecoplore. Hailing from Vadodara (Gujarat), Khushbu’s simplicity and depth of thought are impressive. Her core strength is the way she manages relationships with eco-hotels, travelers & the people at large.

Ishika Tyagi

Content Creator

Thinking of content writing, and Ishika comes to our mind. She is the Content Creator of our team. Ishika is a fresh graduate and completed her BBA from Symbiosis Centre of Management Studies. Writing is her passion and she is ever-ready to create magic with her words.

Gary (Gaurav) Dalal

Project Manager

Gary is a Techno Commercial Geek who expertises in designing technology architectures. He has 10+ years of experience in a variety of software engineering, product management, technical support and IT consulting positions at leading technology companies and educational institutions. Gary has done Masters in Computer Science from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. If you ask him a problem, he will give you a logical explained solution !

imMehaan Jainage

Mehaan Jain

The Future

When you ask him, Which is your favorite colour? He always says green. He started learning the significance of lush green forests at the age of 4. Mehaan is the center of attraction for Ecoplore and we chose to make him our team member because we get motivated to work harder observing his innocence and love for nature. After all, he represents our future and we are striving to leave a better planet for his generation. The 5-year-old kid notices how ants walk in a line and carries their food. When you meet Mehaan, he will explain climate change in the simplest language.

Ankit Lal

Tech Coordinator

Author of ‘India Social’, a book on the journey of Social Media in India, Ankit Lal has been a constant support for Ecoplore. He is a Digital & Social Media Evangelist and has led several organic Social Media campaigns over the years. He has been part of panels on Social Media at the University of Harvard and Michigan University. He is also a columnist with NDTV on Digital Media. Be it helping us with seed money, networking, or ideation, he is always there for Ecoplore.

The Contributors

Ecoplore aims to create an environmental impact and here is a list of people who supported us in our journey. We express deep love and gratitude to each one of them.

Pari Saikia

Supported in the ideation of Ecoplore

Gurpreet Singh

Designed the logo

Anushri Saxena

Content Writer

Gopal Dharecha

Photo & Videographer

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