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Landour, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand

Landour, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand

If Mussoorie is the Queen of Hills, Landour is the Tiara. Landour is a small spot that was built by the Britishers for the Britishers as their summer holiday spot. In all honesty, Landour is a cantonment town and even with its proximity to Mussoorie, it is surprisingly untouched and offbeat.

Landour gets its name from Landdowor, which is a tiny Welsh village in Great Britain. The symbolic Clock Tower in Landour marked the beginning of the town area where Indians were once not allowed.

Landour has the beauty that is well preserved even in the industrial setup and this is because it is protected by the Cantonment Act of 1924. Under this act, all the trees and plants in Landour come under military protection. This is why since 1924 not a single tree has been felled in Landour.

Travel Style

Monuments Nature
Adventurous Relaxing
Solo With someone

Things to do

Shop at Sister’s Bazaar
Eat at Landour Bakehouse
Char Dukaan
St. Pauls Church
Lal Tibba viewpoint

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