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Gir, Gujarat

Gir, Gujarat

Did you know Gir National Park is one of the few places to witness the magnificent Asiatic Lion? These lions are found in the Junagadh region in its dry and deciduous forests. This is probably the only place where this almost extinct, regal predator is found.

Gir has been declared as an Eco-Sensitive Zone and as a result, the Gir ecosystem and its rich flora and fauna have been protected. One can see Deer, Indian Golden Jackals, Leopards Hyenas and Mugger Crocodiles enjoying the dense vegetation.

The National Park of the 1960s depicts a long history and a bunch of stories through its hidden rock caves waiting to be explored. The place has been considered as one of the most important protected areas in Asia due to its lively atmosphere.

Jeep Safari is a major highlight at Gir. It gives you an insight to the life of the jungle. A trip to Gir National park (also called Sasan Gir) is a great way to get in touch with one’s natural surroundings.

Travel Style

Monuments Nature
Adventurous Relaxing
Solo With someone

Things to do

Safari in Gir National Park
Crocodile sighting
Bird watching
Nigro Dance
Walk to Beas river
River walk

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