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Wildlife tour at Sundarbans

Kolkata-Sundarbans-Kolkata 3 Nights 4 Days 6 Guests

“In Sundarbans, the only way to see wildlife is by boat. To maximize our chances of seeing the wildlife, we will do 3 jungle safaris. Though this trip is solely designed for wildlife sighting, tourists can also go for village walk, country boat ride, bird watching, night safaris and also enjoy the local music. Some of the animals and birds that can be sighted here are Royal Bengal Tiger, Fishing Cats, Otters, Monitor Lizard, Dolphins, Crocodiles, Barbet, Starling, Sunbird, Barn Owl, Sandpiper, 8 varieties of Kingfisher and many more.


Day 1

  • Pick up from Kolkata in the first half of the day and reach Godkhali the last road point, embark on our boat and cruise through the Sundarban Delta with villages on one side and jungle on the other. Check-in at the eco-hotel located on a river island.
  • Lunch
  • Boat ride to get up close with the Mangrove jungle and spot the birds .This will continue till sunset
  • Evening snacks & tea

Day 2

  • Breakfast
  • oday we will do the Netidhopani circuit which has limitations of only twelve boat permits and we will try to be the first to get the permits. This watchtower has many narrow channels and creeks and we will explore it for long hours. Lunch on the way
  • Return to the eco-hotel for the night stay
  • Dinner

Day 3

  • Breakfast
  • The day long jungle safari will commence and we will go to the Buridabri circuit which has border with Bangladesh side of Sundarbans. Lunch on the boat cruise
  • Back to the eco-hotel base for the night stay
  • Dinner

Day 4

  • This day will be the concluding day of our trip hence we will check out from the eco-hotel base camp and go for the safari. Today we will do Dobanki * Lunch
  • We will reach back to the last road point of Godkhali and commence our onward journey to Kolkata


Accommodation, All meals, Boat safari mentioned in the itinerary, village tour, transfers from Kolkata, all bottled water, and all permits along with a escort guide.


Extra meals or drinks, Any other personal expenses not included in itineraray

Disclaimer: The route or hotel may change due to any unavoidable circumstances like an act of God, Government notifications, or non-availability in the hotels. Cost may change as per circumstances.

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