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A Sustainable Travel initiative led by Women

When Prerna decided to take her love for preserving the environment to the next level, she delved into many studies listing the impact of various industries on it. Since some work was already underway in other polluting sectors such as Energy and Fashion, she chose to direct her focus on an industry much overlooked by the change-makers so far – The Tourism industry. As per a 2018 study, tourism accounts for 8% of world’s carbon emissions.

And thus was born Ecoplore. An eco-friendly and sustainable answer to tourism’s ruinous relationship with Nature. Ecoplore’s mission is to make lighter the footprints left behind on the bosom of Mother Nature post a vacation. To achieve this mission, we have a list of criteria which the eco-stay needs to meet before being onboarded on Ecoplore’s platform.

As per a study undertaken by Know Carbon (An organization associated with European Union) the carbon emissions generated by a luxury hotel room amounts to 1000 kg/night whereas the emissions of an Ecoplore eco-stay only notch up emissions worth 9kg/night. How do we make that difference to our emissions? A green cover amounting to a minimum of 33% of the total campus area is the first and foremost necessity. Next comes the condition that the stay be constructed using only local material such as Mud, Stone, Wood or Bamboo. This not only ensures that our stays are conducive to the local weather and use less electricity for heating or cooling but also guarantees a beautiful looking property that exists in harmony with its surroundings.

Plastic is a “No, no” on our premises. Our eco-stays harvest solar energy to keep their electrical items running. We also capture and store the precious rain-water through various harvesting methods.  Majority of our eco-hotels are owned by locals thus generating employment for the local community and preventing migration and in turn, reducing burden on cities.

Ecoplore, being a women-run enterprise itself, is also big on women empowerment. Our eco-stays provide employment to local women and they take on various roles on our properties.
All our activities are based around giving a Nature-centric experience to our patrons which invariably means all our stays are located close to the mountains, beaches, forests or rivers.

Ecoplore is for those who care not only for the planet but for their future. Going green is the only way to make the future happen.

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